Music is a complex activity. But we do not need to make it more complicated. Music is a game, through singing, clapping, listening and discussing, we could learn music with ease. Nurturing interests and building a solid foundation are our utmost missions to all music lovers and children.
Amanda Cheong
Amanda is a pianist/keyboardist well-versed in numerous genres from classical, jazz to pop, rock, and R&B. Having a delicate ear for music, Amanda brings her years of work experience from the local music industry into her lessons by imparting valuable musicianship skills to her students – ranging from playing by ear, composition, transcribing, and playing in a group or band setting.

Her well-rounded music education both as a performer and aspiring music producer brings an interesting perspective to lessons and encourages students to explore music beyond the textbooks. Having also taught music theory in Singapore Polytechnic previously, Amanda was awarded the National Arts Council Gold Medal for her musical achievements in 2017 and the NUS Performing and Visual Arts Scholarship in Piano Performance (2018-2021) where she had continued to pursued her degree.