Music is a complex activity. But we do not need to make it more complicated. Music is a game, through singing, clapping, listening and discussing, we could learn music with ease. Nurturing interests and building a solid foundation are our utmost missions to all music lovers and children.


Ben startup graduated with a Diploma in Music from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts(NAFA) under the tutelage of Ms. Lim Tshui Fang. His studies in music started around the age of 6.

In addition to his experience in solo repertoire, during his time in NAFA, Ben actively sought out different experiences such as accompaniments, chamber work and conducting so as to have a more rounded musical journey that lets him understand more about music as a whole rather than just about his own instrument.

Ben not only is an active recitalist but also a frequent participant of music competitions. He was awarded top and gold prizes in Lucien Wang Competition in NAFA and Singapore International Piano Competition and Nanyang International Piano Academy Competition.

Ben hopes to be able to inspire others to come to cherish music as he does and to be able to get the most out of their musical journey.

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  • 13th Lucien Wang Competition 2022, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (Second Place)
  • Nanyang International Piano Academy Competition 2022 (Open Division), NAFA (Gold Medal)
  • Singapore International Classical Piano Competition 2022 (Category G:Adults), International Music Culture Association Singapore (Second Prize)